There are a number of ways: 1. Click expand all, click print preview and then print again. 2. Click download, click download, (PDF is default), Click Open, Click Print. You will get a slightly larger version of image and a nice B/W presentation of everything, but the image and some embedded links. 3. Go to FAQ. Paste the following API link in address bar: Replace the serial number with the one you are interested in the address bar. Click on the go arrow. Click on file and print. This is the fastest method, if you preload the links for cases of interest in a spread sheet.
Sometimes, yes. In order to maintain general availability of USPTO information and services provided on the Internet, any activity or operation by a third party that has the potential to cause a denial or diminution (decrease) of services to other customers, whether generated automatically or manually, will result in the Office denying or limiting access to the Office Internet resources to that third party.
If the PDF content is blurry or of poor resolution, you may download the original source content that TSDR used to produce the PDF. To download the original content, select the document(s) you wish to download and click on download. TSDR should display a small download dropdown. Select the original button and click on the small blue download button in the lower right of the download dropdown window. You can either save or open the resulting package of data.
Registration Certificate searches are now included in the new multi-search tab located to the right of the Search tab. After clicking on multi-search there will be a checkbox labeled “Registration Certificates”. Perform a registration number search as usual and as long as the checkbox is selected the search will return the certificates.
TSDR (Trademark Status Document Retrieval) is a web application that provides real-time access to the electronic file wrapper of U.S. Trademark applications, applications for Extensions of Protection, expungement and reexamination petitions and proceedings, as well as U.S. Trademark Registrations. It also displays information contained in the USPTO records regarding International Registrations and applications for International Registration filed under the Madrid system through the U.S.A. To access TSDR, all that is necessary is entry of a U.S. application serial number, a U.S. or International Registration number, an Expungement/Reexamination Petition or Proceeding Number, or a U.S. Reference Number.
For best results when printing, please use the TSDR “Print Preview” link found above the mark image. The print preview page removes unwanted content to provide a streamlined status printout. From the print preview page you can use the print link in the upper right corner, or you can use the browser’s print option. As an alternative, if the page still isn’t printing correctly then try downloading the status as a pdf and print the pdf.
From the TSDR Status page you may: Place the cursor over the image and right click and select a number of actions such a copy, save as, or send pictures via email. Any one of these will give you a copy of the image of the trademark. In particular, the "send pictures via email" option may allow you to modify the size of the image, dependent upon the version of browser you are using. Using the API you may: Get a full sized image of a trademark by copying and pasting the URL into the address bar of your browser and substituting the serial number for the trademark you are interested in. Get a zipped file containing a couple (thumbnail and larger) different images of the mark using and substituting the serial number for the trademark you are interested in.
Contact the Trademark Assistance Center, at 1-800-786-9199, or e-mail your question to <a href= "mailto:TSDR@USPTO.GOV">TSDR@USPTO.GOV</a>.
From this page, the user can access the complete electronic record for all U.S. trademark applications, registrations, and Madrid Protocol applications filed through the USPTO and corresponding International Registrations by entering a U.S. application serial number, U.S. registration number, U.S. Reference Number, Expungement/Reexamination Petition or Proceeding Number, or International Registration Number, as appropriate. If you do not have this information, you can find it by searching the mark through the Trademark Electronic Search System <a href="">TESS</a>. Use the "Status" tab to find the official record for the mark, including the mark information, goods/services, filing basis information, current owner information, attorney/correspondence information, prosecution history, and current location of the application. Use the "Documents" tab to find copies of all incoming correspondence, all outgoing Office actions and notices, search summaries, notes to the file, processing snap shots and the initial application. Should you encounter any bugs, lack of functionality, or other problems, please consult the <a href="">TSDR FAQs</a>. To provide feedback, please email <a href=""></a>.
Please send you request to along with the serial number or USPTO reference number that identifies the case as well as a description of which documents you think are missing.
If an assignment has been filed on a case, you will see a new section at the bottom labeled “Assignment Abstract of Title Information”. If there is no assignment filed for a case, that section will not appear. Example URL to retrieve Assignment content:
Please send you request to along with the serial number or USPTO reference number that identifies the case, as well as a description of what you think is incorrect.
Example search queries are available at <a href=""></a>. Visit our TSDR API home page for more information at <a href=""></a>.
No, because no PDF documents are shown embedded in the web page. The document viewer will allow a preview of the document, but it is shown in either html or as a jpg image. Documents are available for download as a PDF and then can be viewed through an application such as Adobe. Such an application must be installed on your computer in order to open and view a PDF document. You may down load an Adobe application from the internet. The USPTO does not endorse these particular Adobe products; however, these products have been tested for use with TSDR.
Supported browsers include Edge; IE11; and the latest versions of Fire Fox; Chrome. These are the browsers that have been tested so far. If you are using a different browser and it does not work with TSDR, you may acquire one of the aforementioned browsers from the internet. The USPTO does not endorse any particular browser.
Right click using the mouse and select "print" from the drop down selection.
Click the download button on the menu bar and a drop down menu will appear with selections: Status, PDF, Document and Original. The user chooses Status and Original, then clicks download from the drop down menu. At this point the Winzip Wizard software will become activated. WinZip makes it easy to create a split Zip file (.zip or .zipx), A Zipx file (.zipx) is a Zip file created with one or more advanced compression methods available in WinZip. Continuing from the point of downloading, a second screen opens with the options: Open, Save and Cancel. The user clicks Save and on the two following screen clicks Next. Then the user will get a warning screen, click yes or check "Do not display this dialog in the future". Next the user will see a screen that has the options: WinZip Classic, Help, back, Unzip Now and Close. The user should choose Unzip Now. On the next screen choose Finish. At this point the files should display on the user's screen.
Download the document(s) to your computer, then use the "print" function of your particular PDF viewer to print documents. If you use the "print" function of your browser to print documents you are viewing, you may find the result to be distorted and not a faithful reproduction of the original. For this reason, the USPTO recommends downloading the document to your computer, and printing via the "print" function of your PDF viewer.
Click the check box to the left of the document(s) you are interested in downloading, or click the "select all" button at the top of the list if you would like to download all of the contents of the file. Then click the <B>"Download PDF"</B> or the <B>"Download Original"</B> button. You will be prompted to indicate where on your computer you would like to save the resulting PDF or Zip file.
The size of the <b>multimedia file</b> will determine how quickly the file loads and starts to play. Consequently, if the multimedia file is large it will take a longer time to load.
Status for Serial Number 78787878 as html... Status for Serial Number 78787878 as XML...